The average age for menopause in the UK is 52. Menopause is 1 day, 12 months after the last period. The ten years before this day is called peri-menopause and is a time of multiple changes and ups and downs in hormone levels resulting in up to 72 identifiable different symptoms from brain fog to impaired skin barrier, decrease in collagen, decrease in cellular energy, etc, etc, etc.
Over the 6 months of the actual “day” of menopause, women age 9 years on a biological level (one of the reasons you often “feel as if I’ve aged 10 years” …. You have!!! on a biological level).
Bear in mind also, that 1 in 7 women will experience early menopause …where periods stop before 45 (therefore peri-menopausal in mid 30s) and 15% will exprerience menopause under 40, when it is called POI, premature ovarian insufficiency … and they will be peri-menopausal in their late 20’s.
Cedric has a very keen interest in the effects of all these changes on the body, at “surface” level, but especially at the cellular level, where all changes first occur. Expect Cedric to be able to advise you regarding navigating menopause, and to refer you to menopause specialists when necessary.
Identification and Diagnosis of the problem is essential before Treatments can be decided on, including:
- Supplements clinically proven to slow down AND reverse cellular ageing
- Specialist skin care products – ask in the clinic for details
- Collagen
- Emface
- Botox
- Filler